L.Raphael Genève, a Swiss cosmetic brand and beauty clinic, presented its new skincare products during the Cannes Film Festival

Just recently, L.Raphael released the Cellular Repair Green Caviar skincare line. Everything that’s the current talk of the town in the beauty world, associated with the state of our skin’s microbiome and its cellular structure – amino acids, lipids, collagen, prebiotics – has been studied and put into action here. And, just like every year, Ronit Raphael, the founder of L.Raphael, presented her new products at Cannes during the festival.

The central element of the whole concept, the green caviar, has nothing to do with the actual caviar or fish, but it is definitely connected to the sea. Green caviar is the commercial name for a green seaweed with a beautiful Greek name Caulerpa, whose different species come from the warm tropical seas. In this particular case, it is Caulerpa lentillifera, which grows off the coast of Okinawa, whose residents dry it and then add to their food. In truth, its small transparent leaves really do look like small green fish eggs, but in general the talk of “leaves” is very much notional here because Caulerpa is devoid of intercellular partitions and everything that looks like leaves, stems, or even roots is actually one large cell with numerous nuclei, making Caulerpa algae the largest single-cell organisms in the world.

Caulerpa lentillifera was studied by Professor Paolo Giacomoni, the head of L.Raphael’s R&D, who found that it has a clear anti-oxidant effect – counteracting the free radicals and strengthening the base membrane of skin cells by stimulating production of essential proteins, including Laminin-5 and Collagen IV. Paolo Giacomoni's idea was to combine the green caviar with the LEC-40 lipid complex, L.Raphael's signature anti-aging ingredient developed by Professor Mayer Schinitzky, a major cell membrane researcher and one of the brand’s co-founders along with Ronit Raphael and Dr. Raphael Gumener. Its job is to provide lecithin to keep the cell membrane soft and flexible, and thus able to transmit the key nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids, and vitamins.

And the third important ingredient is Vita Arctic, a natural prebiotic extracted from the Artic clowdberries. It aims to reinforce vulnerable skin and promote microbioma ecosystem balance by increasing beneficial bacteria that are associated with healthier skin. It improves the skin’s defensive system through the stimulation of the skin microbiome’s intrinsic capabilities while reducing inflammation and boosting skin immune tolerance. Actually, these three ingredients form the basis of all products in the protective anti-aging Cellular Repair Green Caviar line. The number of products is also three: Day & Night Repair Serum for morning and evening, Neck & Decollete Shield Cream for protection of the natural skin barrier, and Overnight Repair Mask for night restoration.

Ronit Raphael usually brings all her new products to Cannes and presents them to the cinema folk through the Red Carpet experience format. In the last couple of years, this has been happening on a yacht off the coast of Cannes, and this year’s presentation was no different. “The ultimate Red Carpet experience we present is in line with L.Raphael’s vision currently focused on extending the immediate and long-lasting effectiveness of the top professional clinic procedures via at-home skin care, – comments Ronit Raphael. - We are launching cellular repair products and treatments based on the Green Caviar that will be available to all clients of L.Raphael right after the festival.”

All this was called the Green Caviar Cruise: After having being pampered onboard with iconic L.Raphael Oxy-technologies, this time combined with the new Green Caviar Cellular Repair formulae, the guests will receive the new Green Caviar Cellular Repair products so that the deep effect obtained at the beauty clinic onboard will be maintained in the coming days, in the privacy of their hotel room.

This time, Ronit Rafael’s guests included Daria Ekamasova, who played one of the central roles in the recipient of this year’s Palme d’Or, Anora, written and directed by Sean Baker, . The orange interiors of the L.Raphael yacht also saw Vladislav Tsenev, who played in the film Limonov: The Ballad of Eddie directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, which was shown in the main competition of Cannes, Michelle Shapa from Roman Polanski’s The Palace, as well as the French actress and model Frédérique Bel.

Courtesy: L.Raphael

Text: Elena Stafyeva